The Kusala Approach
You have running goals. I can provide structure and an approach to achieving your goals that won’t grind you down in the process of accomplishing them.
In sport, Kusala is a way of defining success as finding harmony between one’s performance, their health, and their happiness through identifying and using a skillful approach. Runners might wonder — or perhaps never considered — what does the skillset of a runner consist of? As it turns out, there’s more to it than just running further or more often and calling it training.
Endurance Running
It feels good to say “I’m an endurance runner,” and if you run for more than 2 miles, then you are an endurance runner! Anyone who has stuck with it for few months or longer quickly realizes I can do more than I thought was possible! Being in awe of oneself is such a great feeling; the vision of Kusala Endurance is to encourage and foster that realization while emphasizing your skillfulness — not your ability to suffer! Kusala is about understanding ourselves and the simple truth that there is no enduring satisfaction in being stubborn enough to suffer; it’s when we embody our skillfulness that we come to fully appreciate our accomplishments.
So What Do You Want To Do?
- Challenge your limits?
- Run a personal best?
- Improve your fitness?
- Build multi-sport readiness?
- Qualify for a Marathon or Ultra?
- Turn your running into adventuring?
For all your blood-glucose-powered pursuits, I think you’ll find the resources here at Kusala Endurance helpful — and I would be honored to be part of your journey if you can use a little help or motivation along the way.
— Coach Jacob Dinardi
Kusala Core Principles
Healthy Training
Train smarter, not harder with a focus on goals, structure, skill development, and consistency. Quality beats quantity!
Practice mindfulness and groundedness and learn to gauge your effort and fatigue by feel, while keeping tabs on your mindset.
Intentional Recovery
Getting the most benefit from training requires knowing when and how to use active recovery and rest days.
Following Good Science
Skillful training is based on understanding the difference between good data, popular opinion, and unknown factors.
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